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Living in the 5th highest state for electricity prices raises a problem for Waterbury residents. On average, Waterbury residents are spending about $261 per month or $3,132 per year on electricity! ( With 21.7% of people in poverty in Waterbury as of 2021 this can be a huge cost for basic living needs. Waterbury Home Energy Action Campaign aims to improve this burden on residents.


A typical household will use unreasonable amounts of electricity on basic household activities and need. A major use of energy within homes are space heating (around 45%) , water heating (around 18%), and space cooling (around 9%). To improve this issue, it is clear that property owners must improve weatherization of their homes.

A Home Energy Solutions visit can help evaluate your home energy efficiency and perform weatherization improvements. Additionally, further advice is given for advanced improvements such as appliance upgrades for reduced costs.


5% - 75% of costs can be saved on certain energy usages by using our energy efficiency program. This not only relives your living expenses, but also creates a comfortable home to live in. Make a change and sign up here: I ♥ My Home CT Enrollment.

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