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Every Voice Counts

The ReThink Disposable team has been hard at work encouraging businesses to reduce their use of plastic straws. One of our greatest lessons learned these past few months is that every voice counts. This Spring, not only did we speak with business owners, we partnered up with local fifth grade


Garbage Patch Kids: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

If you have read the news recently, you have probably seen an article or two about a recent study of the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”. The articles report estimates of plastic pollution in the trillions, and swaths of plastic waste that are the size of countries.

Those numbers might make it feel



Since I started my new role as Clean Water Action's ReThink Disposable Coordinator, I’ve been talking with many business owners and people in the community about the very exciting topic of waste, in particular, single-use disposables like plastic straws, cutlery and bags and foam take out


Just Say No to Straws

Every day in the U.S., people use 500 million straws a day - enough to circle to planet more than two-and-a-half times! Straws are now one of the top 10 marine debris items found on our beaches. And by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean.

So, what do we do about it?

An easy step


Zero Waste Events: Join the Reuse Revolution!

Did you know that enough plastic exists to cover the entire Earth in cling wrap? Everywhere you look, you can find water bottles, grocery bags, random pieces of polystyrene foam, nylons and other plastics.

According to a study published in Science in January 2016, more than 300 million tons of


New agreements show slow progress in fixing Baltimore sewer spills

One of my favorite places to ride my bike in Baltimore is the Jones Falls Trail between North Avenue and Druid Hill Park. The trail follows the last section of the Jones Falls before it flows underground in pipes underneath downtown on its way to the Inner Harbor, in a narrow stream valley below the