Ask President Biden to protect the Great Lakes by supporting Gov. Whitmer’s action to decommission Enbridge’s twin Line 5 oil pipelines in the Straits of Mackinac. Take action now!
On Earth Day and as the traditional nursery rhyme about April showers and May flowers perhaps come to mind, there is an invitation to greet this time of year with a sense of hope for renewal.
Everyday the Canadian corporate behemoth Enbridge pushes Line 5 oil across 645 miles of Michigan lands, crossing numerous waterways including underneath the heart of the Great Lakes at the Straits of Mackinac, is another day of potential catastrophe.
When Dana Nessel was sworn in as Michigan’s Attorney General in January of 2019, an era of overdue reform and renewed advocacy for the people of Michigan began. For years before, the Attorney General’s office had largely served to protect corporate interests at the expense of Michigan residents and the natural resources on which we all rely.
"My name is Erik McCleary, I’m the Southeast Michigan Program Organizer for Clean Water Action. We represent over 135,000 Michigan residents who value our Great Lakes and don’t want to see them continue to be put at risk for an oil company’s profits."
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