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Interested in a Healthy Homes presentation for a community group or neighborhood meeting? Sign up below and we will be in touch!

Minnesotans are involuntarily exposed to toxic chemicals in everyday consumer products, including toys, plastics, cosmetics and cleaners. Many of these chemicals accumulate in our bodies and threaten our health. The majority of chemicals in consumer products are not adequately tested, resulting in involuntary exposure that poses a threat to our health and environment.

Clean Water is a founding member of Minnesota's Healthy Legacy coalition, which promotes phasing out toxic chemicals that persist and build up in our bodies and environment. We support protective state and federal policies which require chemicals to be assessed for safety so that public health and the environment are protected. Our coalition encourages businesses to develop and use safe substitutes for toxic chemicals and educates and empowers people to protect themselves and their families by supporting healthy businesses and practices.

Healthy Homes presentations take about an hour and discuss the toxics commonly found in homes, why they are a danger, and what you can do about them. We offer simple solutions that won't take a chunk out of your calendar or your wallet. We understand how busy you are and that in today's world everything is more expensive. We're here to support you in making safe, clean, positive choices regarding how you shop, eat, and live - sign up today to learn more!

Creating a Healthy Legacy