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New Report: Coal-Fired Brayton Point is Operating at Our Expense
Emissions from coal-fired Brayton Point Power Station in 2012 caused between 15 to 39 premature deaths and a host of additional health impacts from heart attacks to emergency room visits according to a new analysis released by Coal Free Massachusetts. Although the aging plant, located in Somerset, MA, has been operating less than in years past and has undergone a significant retrofit, health damage associated with Brayton Point’s emissions continues to cast a heavy shadow on local communities as well as the region as a whole.
“Brayton Point’s continued operation presents a grave threat to our
Leaking Coal Ash - Right into Our Water!
By Jennifer Peters, National Water Campaigns Coordinator Last month dozens of reporters gathered on the shores of Mountain Island Lake in North Carolina. They were there to hear national and regional environmental leaders discuss the worst toxic water pollution problem – the wastewater discharges from coal-fired power plants, which contain a witches’ brew of dangerous elements, such as lead, mercury, selenium and arsenic. Mountain Island Lake is the drinking water reservoir for nearly 800,000 residents in and near Charlotte. The reservoir was also used as a water pollution dumping ground for
Meeting a New Leader at EPA
By Bob Wendelgass, President & CEO Yesterday, I was honored to be part of a small group of environmental leaders invited to meet with Gina McCarthy in her first week as the new EPA Administrator. She thanked us for helping her win confirmation. Her nomination was held up for 137 days by conservative Senators opposed to a strong EPA. The thousands of messages from Clean Water Action members and other concerned Americans let our Senators know that we weren’t going to stand for their obstruction of an incredibly qualified public servant like Gina McCarthy. She laid out three issues as her
Isn't Water A Natural Resource?
By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director Clean Water Action signed a letter to the leadership of the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee opposing yet another anti-regulatory bill expected to be considered by the Committee today. We’ve signed a lot of these letters since 2010, but this one is particularly important. The “Protecting States’ Rights to Promote American Energy Security Act” could deal a sprawling and damaging blow to our ability to protect our public lands from negative impacts of oil and gas extraction. The bill is obviously an attempt to undercut the Department of Interior’s
Federal Chemical Reform - Finally?
By Cindy Luppi, New England Regional Director Exciting news! For the first time in a generation, we might have finally gained meaningful momentum in the fight to repair our outdated federal laws about chemical safety. Today the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee is holding a marathon hearing on updating the laws that regulate the chemicals in the things that we use every day. We're particularly thrilled that Dorothy Felix, a leader from Mossville, Louisiana, will be testifying about the devastation her community has suffered from the pollution emitted by a cluster of chemical plants