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Surprise! Big Oil wants another fracking exemption.
By Andrew Grinberg, Oil and Gas Program Coordinator As the California Legislature heads into the final days of the 2013 session, the lone remaining bill to address fracking, SB 4 will soon meet its fate. Senator Fran Pavley, the environmental champion and author of the bill has crafted a strong, yet balanced regulatory bill focused on disclosure, monitoring and transparency. With a growing body of evidence from around the country of water, air, community and climate damage from fracking and other oil production, California needs the basic safeguards put forward in this bill, like disclosure of
Resurrecting the Anacostia River
By Brittani Garner, Anacostia Program Coordinator That's a lot of trash! Cleaning up the Anacostia with Clean Water Action. No longer will the Anacostia River be known as the “Forgotten River.” Over the past few decades the focus on the Anacostia has been growing and now is it’s time to shine! The Anacostia is home to various recreational spots. The Yards Park has a scenic view of the river while you play in the fountains. You can’t forget about the numerous parks either: Anacostia Park, Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens, and Bladensburg Waterfront Park. The list goes on and on. Soon you’ll
Will deadly pollution from power plants continue to wreak havoc on our rivers? Help us decide.
By Phil Dimotsis – DC Field Manager & National Program Intern Make the stacks grow! - Submit your comments today! Since May we’ve been hard at work in neighborhoods across the nation to “flood” the EPA with handwritten comments from citizens like you and your neighbors. We’ve been telling EPA how essential it is that they act to revoke power plants’ free pass to use our drinking water sources and recreational water bodies as their own private dumping grounds! Take action with us today to let EPA know that we can no longer afford to let power plants permissibly pollute our water. So far we’ve
Toxic Water Pollution: If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention.
by Brittany Weinstein, Energy Program Intern
I recently attended the annual SEIU (Service Employees International Union) Health Fair on Belle Isle in Detroit, Michigan, where I spoke with Motor City residents about the nearby River Rouge Plant that is polluting water right in their own backyards. Most people had no idea how much pollution from the plant goes into the Detroit River every day ( 356 million gallons to be exact). Many local residents fish for survival, unaware of the high mercury levels that have been discovered in the river’s fresh water fish. More than 100 Health FairMassachusetts Manufacturers Reduce Use of Carcinogens
By Madeline Doggett, Massachusetts Intern This post originally appeared on the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families Blog For many of us, cancer feels like it surrounds us – so many friends, family members, co-workers, and neighbors seem to be carrying this health burden in neighborhoods throughout our state, and throughout the nation. In Massachusetts, one hundred people on average are diagnosed with cancer every day. Since the mid 1980s cancer rates have risen 14% among men and 19% among women. The good news: due to a landmark law passed here in 1989, we’re making real progress in stemming this