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Good news - a First Step the Hazardous Chemicals Off of Store Shelves
By Cindy Luppi, New England Regional Director Walmart sent shockwaves this week when it announced that it will phase out up to 10 hazardous chemicals in the products it stocks and increase consumer right-to-know by requiring more transparency over product ingredients. This will result in a dramatic shift in product safety and give families more information about the often hidden ingredients in every day products like moisturizer, shampoos and household cleaners. This is good news, and is a victory for all of us who have been pushing for leadership from retailers as we continue to fight for
Finally! Is Pennsylvania Getting Serious about Fracking Enforcement?
By Steve Hvozdovich, Marcellus Campaign Coordinator It’s great to see Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s decision to prosecute XTO Energy for dumping more than 50,000 gallons of fracking wastewater in Lycoming County in 2010. This case is especially notable because it is the first time a Marcellus Shale company is facing criminal charges for their actions. For too long Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has let companies get away with little more than a slap on the wrist for actions that threaten and impact our rivers, lakes and streams. And our communities
Protecting the Great Lakes from Power Plant Pollution
By Dan Endreson, Minnesota Program Coordinator Tell EPA to Protect Clean Water The Great Lakes are a source of water and food for millions of people in the Upper Midwest. However, these waters are continually being contaminated by toxic wastewater from steam electric power plants, especially coal plants. The wastewater discharges from coal plants contains heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and selenium which are harmful to humans and wildlife. Substantial evidence exists that these metals transfer up the food chain, posing a public health threat to all communities surrounding
The One Weird Trick We Can Use to Protect Our Water...
By Michael Kelly, Communications Director Make sure you don't see a sign like this near your favorite lake, river, or stream - click here to end power plant water pollution today! If this doesn't make you angry, I don't know what will. Power plants are using our water like a sewer. They have been for decades. And unless we do something about it today, they'll keep doing it. The power plant industry has received special treatment and used loopholes in the law to dump waste filled with mercury, arsenic, selenium, and other toxic chemicals directly into our rivers, streams, and lakes. Power
Michigan waterways threatened by coal ash from power plants
By Cecily Savick, Clean Water Action Volunteer This post originally appeared at Clean Water Action is mobilizing thousands of members and volunteers, like myself, to help put stop to water pollution from power plants. I've seen first hand how vulnerable people are to coal plant pollution in our air, my daughter and husband both have asthma. It doesn’t take much imagination to see a smokestack and know that what’s coming out of it is dirty. It is, though, harder to see how that burning coal ends up in our waterways, including the Great Lakes. Here’s how: power plants burn coal to