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Preparing for Climate Change while fighting Carbon Pollution
Clean Water Action's John Evans attended the press conference and marchpreceding the November 7 Washington DC Listening Session. By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director We’re not the only ones who think climate change is water change. EPA Administrator McCarthy recently noted that the impacts of climate change will affect our water dramatically. That’s just one reason we think President Obama’s November 1 Executive Order about preparing for climate change is so important. This direction to the entire federal government and the appointment of a Task Force on Climate Preparedness and
Pure Michigan: Where you can drink as much coal ash as you want
By Alicia Vignoe, Michigan Executive Assistant Intern
Lake Michigan
I spend every Fourth of July week in Ludington, Michigan at my aunt’s cottage right by Lake Michigan. The whole family goes up and we spend our days by the lake and nights by the bonfire. You can imagine my surprise when I found out that my beloved Lake Michigan was in trouble because of pollution from coal ash. I didn’t notice anything wrong. I never saw the water turning black and I’ve never become sick from swimming in it, so how bad could it really be? I do live in Pure Michigan, right? My past naivety is something that
MSU: Kick Coal Ash
It’s time to #kickcoalash and properly dispose of this toxic waste that is contaminating the ground and surface water at MSU and across the state.
California's Scary Oil and Gas Industry
By Andrew Grinberg, Oil and Gas Program Coordinator Take Action Today! What could be scarier than ghosts, skeletons and witches? How about contaminated drinking water and runaway climate change? The oil industry is one of the spookiest things we've ever encountered. They disguise themselves as the answer to our energy needs, while increasing greenhouse gas emissions and inducing more extreme climate change. What's worse is that Big Oil has hid its practices from the public, lurking in the shadows of loopholes and exemptions, free to pollute with little consequence. Even though the Legislature
Putting Drinking Water First: Protect ALL of our Water
By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director Check Out the Map I wonder how long we are going to have to find new ways of saying “all means all” and of proving that protecting our drinking water is a no-brainer. Clean Water Action has worked tirelessly for over ten years to close gaps in Clean Water Act protection which have left the drinking water sources for over 117 million people in our country vulnerable to pollution and destruction. The Clean Water Act is meant to protect ALL of our water, and we know that our drinking water sources are especially precious. We are seeing movement on this