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Air Pollution from Coke Plant in Pittsburgh Cannot Continue
Courtesy of Joel Polacci By Julie St. John, Pittsburgh Organizer For years, Clean Water Action in Pittsburgh has been working to clean up air pollution coming from the Shenango coke works on Neville Island. The facility is located on a heavily industrialized piece of land less than one mile from densely populated residential communities and only five miles from downtown Pittsburgh. When new owners, DTE Energy, bought the company in 2008, residents were hopeful they would finally see improvements to the air they breathe. Now, it's clear that DTE Energy has no more interest in being a good
Clean Water? We’re in it for the Long Haul
by Jonathan A. Scott, editor, Clean Water Currents (on Twitter @jscottnh) Watch EPA Administrator McCarthy's March 25 call to #ProtectCleanWater Since 2002, Clean Water Action has doggedly fought an uphill battle to restore Clean Water Act protections for some of America’s most important water resources. On March 25, 2014, the Obama Administration announced it was finally taking action to fix the problem. When was the last time you thought about your water? We’ve made so much progress since the early 1970s when Clean Water Action first got started, it’s easy to see how almost anyone in the U
It's About Time
By Bob Wendelgass, President and CEO (Follow Bob on Twitter - @BWendelgass) #ProtectCleanWater today! Click here to submit a comment. Thanks to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) for finally announcing critical steps to fix a mess the Bush Administration made back in 2002. That’s when EPA and the Corps “broke” the Clean Water Act by removing its protection from many small streams and wetlands. A lot has happened since (more on that later this week), but this is the first real progress on this issue in a long time. Over the past twelve years, Clean
Gubernatorial Candidates pledge environmental protections
Elizabeth Saunders, Clean Water Action Massachusetts Director, introduces Gubernatorial candidates Joe Avellone, Don Berwick, Attorney General Martha Coakley, Treasurer Steve Grossman, and Juliette Kayyem
On Friday, March 21 st , Clean Water Action joined a coalition of 30 organizations in co-hosting a Massachusetts Gubernatorial Candidates forum on Energy the Environment and the Innovation Economy. Candidates Joe Avellone, Don Berwick, Marthy Coakley, Steve Grossman and Juliette Kayyem answered rounds of questions on a wide array of topics from toxic chemicals in consumer products, natural
Bye Bye Plastics
San Francisco Supervisor Chiu holds up a plastic water bottled filled with the amount of oil it takes to make just one bottle! By Samantha Meyer, Zero Waste Program Manager - Follow the campaign on Twitter: @Rdisposable It’s already been a big month for cracking down on plastic pollution in California. March 3rd marked a historic day in the fight against plastic bags - San Rafael became the 100th California jurisdiction to ban single-use plastic bags! This is a huge accomplishment since San Francisco became the first city in the nation to ban plastic bags back in 2007. Recognizing that