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Happy Birthday EPA
By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - follow Lynn on Twitter (@LTCWA) [ED. Note - Like the best birthday greetings, this is a day late] Happy Birthday EPA! I learned on one of my favorite blogs ( This Day in Water History) that on this day [Ed. Note - yesterday, December 2nd] in 1970, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began operations. Most people probably don’t think much about the EPA. Here at Clean Water Action, we think about EPA all the time. Much of our work in the community of health and environmental organizations over the last four decades has been about passing laws in
What a Week - Clean Water Action in Motion
By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - Follow Lynn on Twitter (@LTCWA) It’s been quite a week for our Clean Water, especially for our National Program Team. Here are some of the highlights: Congressional Testimony on Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water: I testified before the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy today. You can find my testimony and our press release here. EPA’s Dr. Peter Grevatt talked about 40 years of Safe Drinking Water Act progress and the challenges ahead Celebrating: At our annual event in Washington DC last Friday, we
The Baltimore Bag Bill.
By Will Fadely, Baltimore Program Organizer - Follow Will on Twitter - @TrillChillWill Each week, Clean Water meets with residents and community associations and we continue to hear one overwhelming environmental concern – an abundance of trash in our neighborhoods. Whether we’re in Hampden, Westport, Park Heights, Armistead Gardens, Curtis Bay, or Sharpe-Leadenhall the complaint is the same; trash. The most visible element of this trash: plastic bags. Plastic bags in the trees, gutters, alleys, playgrounds, and waterways. There are too many plastic bags and something needs to be done
Red Herrings and Meat Dresses on the Pennsylvania Turnpike
By Neil Bhaerman, Crew Coordinator, Pittsburgh Phone Canvass - Follow Neil on Twitter (@neilanalien) If you’ve driven the Pennsylvania turnpike, especially the stretch between the state capitol in Harrisburg and the coal and gas rich southwestern counties, you’ve probably seen some eye catching billboards. One, featuring Lady Gaga with a raw steak on her head, asks, “Would you take energy advice from a woman wearing a meat dress?” Another, with Yoko Ono, asks, “Would you take advice from the woman who broke up the Beatles?” A third, with Robert Redford, shouts out: “Demands green living. Flies
Shake It Off & Keep Your Eye on the Ball: Americans Expect Clean Water
Americans Expect Their Elected Officials to Protect Clean Water "The new Congress could be one of the most hostile to clean water and other environmental concerns, based on the new leadership’s extreme anti-environment records and positions. But that’s not what the American people want, and it’s not what they voted for." -- Bob Wendelgass, Clean Water Action President and CEO Shake it off, and keep your eye on the ball! Yesterday's elections brought some good and not-so-good news for clean water. But the bottom line remains unchanged: people care about their water and want to see it protected