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The SDWA - 40 years of Safe Drinking Water
By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - Follow Lynn on Twitter (@LTCWA) Celebrating 40 years of Safe Drinking Water Today is the 40 th anniversary of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Like our drinking water itself, a lot of people don’t think much about SDWA (pronounced Sid Wah) until there is a problem. But the important thing about our nation’s landmark drinking water law is that its implementation chugs along no matter what. Today the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the water sector including the Public Water Systems regulated by SDWA and public health and environmental
Seriously, FPL?
Did you know that in some states – including Florida – electric utilities are allowed to charge ratepayers for the costs of complying with environmental laws, even if the ratepayers were not the ones that caused the company to need to clean up its act?
Celebrating the SDWA!
By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - Follow Lynn on Twitter (@LTCWA) On December 9 th I spoke at a Safe Drinking Water Act 40 th anniversary Forum about why we have to stop using our drinking water sources as a dumping ground and our treatment plants as a pollution solution. The day’s agenda featured leaders from the drinking water sector, including representatives from Public Water Systems, drinking water associations and the state agencies who implement the Safe Drinking Water Act. There were some special guests too. Vic Kimm was one of the first EPA employees and the Director of the
By Jennifer Peters, National Water Campaigns Coordinator - Follow Jennifer on Twitter (@EarthAvenger) Leaving 100 million tons of toxic, industrial waste in unstable, unlined pits near rivers and lakes sounds like a bad idea, right? Not necessarily, according to the CEO of Duke Energy. Earlier this year an old pipe under one of Duke Energy’s inactive coal ash ponds broke, spewing an estimated 39,000 tons of coal ash into the Dan River. (Coal ash is the toxic remains of burning coal.) It took Duke nearly a week to stop the flow of pollution, which contaminated at least seventy miles of river
The Shale Gas Dream: Is it Almost Time to Wake Up?
Register now By John Noël, National Oil and Gas Program Coordinator - Follow John on Twitter (@NoelJohnny) When it comes to the future of energy in this country, you’ve probably heard the terms “shale-revolution,” “bridge fuel,” or “natural gas is our clean energy future.” There are dozens of these buzzwords. Together they form a powerful narrative that, unfortunately, is not really based in reality. Everything we've heard from the gas industry is based on upon projections of an abundant recoverable supply of natural gas for decades to come. The problem is that there are holes in the "lots of