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EPA Smog Rule is Good for Well, Pretty Much Everyone
By John Noël, National Oil and Gas Program Coordinator - Follow John on Twitter (@Noel_Johnny) On Thursday I testified at the EPA smog pollution hearing on what seemed like a no-brainer proposal. EPA plans to strengthen its smog standards to reflect the most recent science on the devastating impacts of air pollution. This is a good thing for everyone who breathes. Tackling this crippling form of power plant pollution is incredibly important and should be supported by everyone. Clean Water Action strongly supports EPA’s pollution reduction plan and we urged the Agency to set the smog
Why Do We Fight About Clean Water?
By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - Follow Lynn on Twitter (@LTCWA) Today we launch a wide array of activity leading up to an unusual “bicameral” hearing on Capitol Hill next week. “Bicameral” means that it is a joint hearing put on by the majority leadership of committees in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. This does not happen often. I wish I could say that this special water policy hearing is happening because our water resources are so precious, or because we have learned how critical it is to protect drinking water from contamination or because polls
Protecting Our Drinking Water - Is It Too Much to Ask?
By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - Follow Lynn on Twitter (@LTCWA) The U.S. Senate will vote on amendments to the Keystone pipeline bill and two of them are directly related to drinking water protection. Clean Water Action is urging Senators to vote “Yes” on the Gillibrand and Cardin amendments. Senator Gillibrand’s (D-NY) amendment #48 would remove special treatment for the oil and gas industry and repeal the exemption for hydraulic fracturing from Safe Drinking Water Act oversight. Underground sources of drinking water need to be protected from ALL activities which endanger them
A Year That Confirmed We Need to Put Drinking Water First
By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - Follow Lynn on Twitter (@LTCWA) One year ago today we learned that a chemical spill into the Elk River in West Virginia had led to a “Do Not Use” order. Hundreds of thousands of people in the Charleston area could not use their tap water for anything other than toilet flushing and fire fighting. As the crisis continued, details came to light. Over 10,000 gallons spilled. A coal-processing chemical called crude MCHM that no one had ever heard of. Freedom Industries managing a tank farm very badly. A lack of health effects or other information on the
Drinking Water Sacrificed for Oil and Gas Industry Profits - What We Don’t Know CAN Hurt Us
By John Noel, National Oil and Gas Program Coordinator - Follow John on Twitter (@Noel_Johnny) Sacrificing Our Drinking Water for Oil and Gas This week Clean Water Action released a first-ever analysis of the little known Aquifer Exemption program within EPA’s Underground Injection Control program. For those concerned about clean drinking water supplies for future generations, transparency within the Environmental Protection Agency, and the cavalier attitude oil and gas interests take towards regulation of their operations, this report is for you. What is wrong with Aquifer Exemptions? First