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New Standards Will Protect the Most Vulnerable
Rosanna Esparza, Kern County Oil and Gas Program Organizer Oil and Gas Operations The majority of Californians live in counties with unhealthy air. But nowhere is the air unhealthier than in the San Joaquin Valley. The San Joaquin Valley has never met the federal health standards for smog. Never. In fact, Valley residents face some of the worst smog pollution in the country. If you live in Kern County, home of the largest oil fields in California, the air you breathe may put your health at risk. Residents face a host of pollutants and toxic chemicals from the oil & gas industry, smog-forming
I've got your local impacts for you...right here.
By Michael Kelly, Communications Director - Follow Michael on Twitter (@MichaelEdKelly) The City of Alexandria wants to #ProtectCleanWater Today the House and Senate are getting together for a bicameral hearing about the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) proposal to protect the drinking water for more than one in three of us. EPA's proposal is strong, common sense, and backed up by science. It supported by mayors from Boston to Austin, legislators from Connecticut to California and Americans from Pittsburgh to Pueblo. So, naturally, Congress is doing everything it can to make sure EPA
It’s a Week About Water
By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - Follow Lynn on Twitter (@LTCWA) It’s a big week for water. Tomorrow’s hearing on the proposal to close loopholes in Clean Water Act protections is unusual in that it’s a joint House and Senate hearing, meant to signal that the majority party intends to block the Administration’s efforts to protect critical waterbodies. The Administration’s proposed Fiscal Year 2016 Federal Budget is important for water too. The President has proposed increased spending on water infrastructure, drinking water quality and innovative water management approaches. The
Tweet to #ProtectCleanWater today!
By Michael Kelly, Communications Director - follow Michael on Twitter ( @MichaelEdKelly ) Tweet With Us to #ProtectCleanWater More than 800,000 people called on the Environmental Protection Agency to protect clean water in 2014. Hundreds of thousands did the same in 2012. And 2010. And in the aughts. And every time you ask people whether we should have strong safeguards for the water we drink, the answer is a resounding "YES". So, what's up with Congress? As Bob wrote yesterday, the War on Water is back and many in Congress want to make it impossible to protect streams and wetlands. Which is
War on Water Starting Again
By Bob Wendelgass, President & CEO - Follow Bob on Twitter (@BWendelgass) The hearing on EPA's rule to restore Clean Water Act protection to small streams is just the opening salvo in a renewed War on Water. Clean Water Action will be in the thick of the fight...and we'll need your help to win! I say 'renewed War on Water' because this isn't the first time polluters have attacked the Clean Water Act. Way back in 1972 when the Act was first passed, they convinced President Nixon to veto the bill. Fortunately Congress overrode the veto. Then in 1995, polluters and their allies in Congress tried