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Oil and Gas Industry Influence: It's not just the Drinking Water Study!
By John Noël, National Oil and Gas Campaigns Coordinator – Follow John on Twitter (@Noel_Johnny) Today Inside Climate News and Desmogblog published unsettling details on the oversized influence of the natural gas industry over EPA’s long awaited Study of Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas and Its Potential Impact on Drinking Water Resources. Thousands of documents made possible by a Greenpeace Freedom of Information Act request detail just how lopsided the relationship was between companies, namely Chesapeake Energy and Range Resources and the EPA - specifically when trying to reach an
On the Right Side of History with a Commonsense Veto of the Keystone XL Pipeline Bill
By John Noel, National Oil and Gas Campaign Coordinator - Follow John on Twitter (@Noel_Johnny) Today we are thrilled to hear the President vetoed S.1, a bill which would approve the Keystone Pipeline and put millions at risk of groundwater contamination while significantly increasing carbon pollution from the dirtiest oil on the planet. The risk of spills from the pipeline are put squarely on the backs of landowners, farmers and Native American communities in the pipelines path, while the benefits of the project are concentrated to a few in the fossil fuel industry. Clean Water Action
Hit ‘em where it hurts…The Bottom Dollar
By Will Fadely, Baltimore Program Organizer – Follow Will on Twitter (@TrillChillWill ) Since Energy Answer's entrance into Baltimore in 2008, we have been organizing with numerous groups like Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN), Sierra Club, Institute for Local Self Reliance (ILSR), Community Research, Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) and others in order to fight the proposed Energy Answers Incinerator. Especially instrumental was Free Your Voice a group of local students assisted by United Workers. The campaign has focused on encouraging groups contracted to receive energy from the
California's Oil and Gas Injection Mess
By Andrew Grinberg, California Oil and Gas Program Manager - Follow Andrew on Twitter ( @AndrewBGrinberg) This is one of the most outrageous things we’ve heard in a long time. As California faces one of the worst droughts in recorded history, State officials have disclosed that California has allowed the injection of oil and gas wastewater and other contaminated fluids into aquifers that are suitable to be used as drinking water. Oil and gas wastewater is nasty stuff, high in salinity, toxic chemicals and sometimes containing radioactive material. New data just revealed that the wastewater
Colorado Needs Clean Water – Testimony at Wednesday's Bicameral Hearing
By Sara Lu, Colorado Director - Follow our Colorado Team on Twitter (@CleanWaterCO1) Wednesday, the US House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the US Senate Environment and Public Works Committee held a joint Congressional hearing on EPA's proposal to close loopholes in Clean Water Act protections for small streams and wetlands. I was proud to hear Clear Creek County Commissioner Tim Mauck make a compelling case for this overdue proposal to protect clean water. Tim pushed back on many of the myths opponents of this common sense rule have trotted out since it was proposed in March