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Where have you been, Ms. Fiorina?
By Jennifer Clary, California Waters Program Manager In an April 7 blog post for Time Magazine, Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard and former candidate for California governor, made the wildly inaccurate claim that “overzealous liberal environmentalists” are responsible for California’s drought. Ms. Fiorina airs out the tired old myths propagated by the thankfully dwindling water buffaloes of the state -
Environmental policies are sending water to the ocean that should be used to support farms and farmers; no new storage has been built in half a century; this is a "man-made" drought
A Pleasant Surprise in the Field
When my fellow canvassers hear that I’ve been knocking on doors for Clean Water Action for 4 years, they often say, “so nothing catches you by surprise.” That couldn’t be further from the truth. Last night, we were working one of those chilly, drizzly shifts where the materials on your clipboard are soggy and people are reluctant to stand out on the steps and talk about the environment. At about 7:30 a very nice man invited me inside for a pleasant conversation about our priority pieces of legislation: mercury recycling and cesspool phase-out. His 9-year-old daughter was standing nearby
Top Weed Killer Linked to Cancer
By Mara Silgailis, PhD, Clean Water Action Board Member and Cedar Grove Environmental Commission Chair Last week, glyphosate, the pesticide found in the popular herbicide product Roundup, was declared to be " probably carcinogenic to humans" by an international committee of cancer experts known as the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide (weedkiller) in the world. Not only is glyphosate sprayed on farms, forests, on road sides, parks, and in gardens, but it is used with crops (such as corn, soybeans, and cotton) that have been
The Bottomless Drought - There is More We Can Do
By Jennifer Clary, California Water Program Manager (Follow Our California Team on Twitter - @CleanH2OCA) Governor Brown’s announcement Wednesday that we’re in a severe drought was far from a surprise. No spring rains are coming to rescue us this year as we embark on the 4 th year of drought – the worst in California’s modern history. This is a serious problem, for communities, farms and the environment. The governor took a series of executive actions. They are not enough. But it’s a good start and more than any governor has done before. Urban Conservation: The governor’s call for 25%
California's Emergency Oil and Gas Regulations Aren't Enough
By Andrew Grinberg, California Oil and Gas Program Manager - Follow Andrew on Twitter (@AndrewBGrinberg) Yesterday the California Department of Conservation (DOC) and Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) issued draft emergency regulations on aquifer exemptions under the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act. The emergency regulations describe the process that the state will use for submitting applications to US EPA for exempting aquifers which enable oil and gas companies to inject fluids for waste disposal or enhance oil recovery (EOR). The text of the draft regulations and how to