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EPA Fracking Assessment: Combining Quality Research with Poor Communication
By John Noël, National Oil & Gas Campaigns Coordinator - Follow John on Twitter (@Noel_Johnny) It bears repeating: EPA’s just released Assessment on the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas on Drinking Water Resources smashes the myth that there can be oil and gas development without impacts to drinking water. We know that fracking is a complex process that poses a complex array of potential risks to drinking water. The Assessment informs actions we need to take to protect drinking water and public health by outlining the numerous vulnerabilities throughout the fracking
Pursuing a Passion for Clean Water
By Kaitlyn Lindsey, Clean Water Action Maryland Intern - Follow our Maryland Team on Twitter (@CleanWater_MD) Hey Clean Water Community! My name is Kaitlyn Lindsey. I am going into my fifth and final year at Towson University where I have been studying Family Science. I have a passion for helping people. More specifically, my passion is for helping families. I hope to one day make a difference by working with advocacy and policies that affect family life and maybe even go to law school. I was drawn to Clean Water Action in Baltimore because water and other environmental issues have so much
A Clean Water History Lesson
By Jon Scott , Director of Corporate Relations - Follow Jon on Twitter (@JScottNH) Richard M. Nixon (R) 1969-1974 (1972 Clean Water Act veto over-ridden by Congress, which passed the law and overrode the veto with strong bipartisan support. After veto attempt and unsuccessful attempt to embargo Clean Water Act funding, upholds the Clean Water Act) Gerald R. Ford (R) 1974-1977 (upholds the Clean Water Act) Jimmy Carter (D) 1977-1981 (upholds the Clean Water Act) Ronald W. Reagan (R) 1981-1989 (upholds the Clean Water Act) George H.W. Bush (R) 1989-1993 (upholds the Clean Water Act) Bill Clinton
Looking at the Clean Water Rule through a Trout’s window
Eastern Brook trout. Credit: USFWS By Chris Bathurst, National Canvass Coordinator I live and fish in Western Massachusetts. I am particularly interested in native Brook Trout, which I have fished for more than 25 years. These beautiful creatures require very specific conditions to thrive. The presence of Brook Trout is an indicator as to the cleanliness and health of both the surrounding and upstream environment. Over the last 25 years of wading streams I have learned that all water, no matter how small the stream, eventually connects and influences the larger branch to which it flows. And
Protecting Clean Water for All of the Water Bugs
"My little water bug took her inaugural canoe ride on Saturday, May 23rd, just a few weeks before her first birthday."