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#MakeExxonPay More Day of Action
By Alessandro Ciari, former community organizer with Clean Water Action and student, Montclair State University
"Ditch this dirty deal! Ditch this dirty deal!" chanted activists at a Day of Action at the Statehouse in Trenton yesterday. Environmental activists joined hundreds of concerned residents for a lobby day and rally against the egregious ExxonMobil settlement which lets the company off the hook for paying for over 100 years of pollution in New Jersey. “Governor Christie – Don’t Sell Us Out to Exxon! Don’t Sell Us Out to Exxon!” intoned the audience with signs that read “Make
What’s Controversial? Absolutely Nothing (about the Clean Water Rule)
by Jonathan A. Scott, Director of Corporate Relations, on Twitter, @jscottnh There's no real controversy here... Capping more than a decade of campaigning by Clean Water Action and allies, the Obama Administration released its final Clean Water Rule on May 27. Although the protracted battle has received little news coverage, most of the time, when it has been reported at all, the news has focused on “the controversy” or “the controversial Clean Water Rule.” We can’t really complain when the news media keep on doing what they seem to do best --seize on a perceived conflict and then report on it
Fighting Cancer with Fire Fighters
By Elizabeth Saunders, Massachusetts State Director – Follow Our MA Team on Twitter (@CleanH2OMA) Elizabeth Saunders speaks at the 41st Biennial Convention of the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts. I have a vivid memory of being on a long bus-ride during an 8th grade school trip and talking with 3 of my friends about what we were going to do when we grew up. I told them I was going to be an environmentalist. I already knew where my passion lay. Not that I knew what that would look like. If you’d told me that I’d be researching water quality or endangered species, leading nature
Clean Water Victory: A Lesson in Making Democracy Work
By Hilary Marcella, Assistant Canvass Director, Pittsburgh - Follow Our Pennsylvania Team on Twitter ( @CleanH2OPA) When I started my Clean Water Action journey in 2006, the first campaign I worked on aimed to restore Clean Water Act protections to small streams and wetlands. It was the era of George W. Bush, and policy decisions made by his administration left many bodies of water vulnerable to pollution. At first it seemed hard to believe that such basic water protections were not being provided. After all, water is an invaluable resource, and I understood that because ALL water is connected
Being the Change at Clean Water Action
By Zachary Turkheimer, Clean Water Action Maryland Intern - Follow Our MD Team on Twitter (@CleanWater_MD) “Be the change you want to see”, that’s the motto that I have tried to live my life by. I believe this motto is applicable with the goals of Clean Water Action because they set the precedent of what changes they strive to see in our society. I lived in the small town of Olney, MD for my whole life up until I moved to Towson, MD for college. I will be entering my junior year in the fall. I am an Environmental Science Major with a focus in Policy and Management and a minor in Political