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The Pollinator Protection Act Passed the House of Delegates
On Saturday March 19 the Pollinator Protection Act passed the House of Delegates with a strong bipartisan vote of 96-39. The House language is a clean, strong bill with no weakening amendments.
California Water Commission Acknowledges the Elephant in the Room With New Public Workshop on Groundwater
At Clean Water Action the voices of our members truly amplify our power, and when it comes to drought-proofing California’s water supply, our members really stepped up this past week.
Stop Watching the Clock
I've worked for Clean Water Action for 7 years. It's safe to say I like my job, the people that I work with, and this organization. A few weeks ago I had a moment where all of those thoughts popped into my head.
Florida Legislative Session Ends – Water Gets Attention, Fracking Bill Dies
Earlier this month, the Florida legislature adjourned for the session, and this year water did get the attention and funding it deserved. Here are some of the highlights (and lowlights) from the 2016 legislative session.
Breaking Through on Shared Solar
When it comes to rooftop solar, Connecticut has been burning through goals and incentive budgets to install over 150 MW of panels, a few at a time.