LANSING AND DEARBORN, MI – The newly-formed TAKING BACK OUR POWER coalition, which seeks to end the toxic political influence of monopoly corporations and corporations seeking state contracts in Michigan, will launch on Thursday, Feb. 22 with press events in Lansing and Dearborn.
The coalition will be joined by State Rep. Dylan Wegela (D - Garden City) and fellow state lawmakers at a press conference in Lansing to announce the introduction of new state legislation that would prohibit utility companies from making political contributions. For years, DTE and Consumers Energy have dumped millions into Lansing to escape accountability and, as a result, Michiganders pay the highest electric rates in the Midwest and suffer the worst power outages. The legislation would curb the disproportionate influence of these monopoly corporations, allowing for a more democratic system that prioritizes the needs of everyday people.
Following the press conference, the TAKING BACK OUR POWER coalition will be joined by Congressmembers Rashida Tlaib and Ro Khanna to hold a community rally Thursday evening at UAW Local 600 in Dearborn, where they will launch a groundbreaking campaign to pass comprehensive state legislation that would establish accountability by preventing all regulated monopoly corporations and companies seeking or holding government contracts from making political contributions. Attendees will hear from legislators and impacted community members about why this legislation is sorely needed in Michigan. Thursday’s events mark the beginning of a transformative movement aimed at empowering Michiganders to reclaim their power to shape their democracy.
The TAKING BACK OUR POWER coalition is Clean Water Action, Community Change, Detroit Action, Emergent Justice, Michigan League of Conservation Voters, Michigan People's Campaign, Michigan United, MOSES Action, and Voters Not Politicians.
WHO: State Rep. Dylan Wegela (D-Garden City), State Rep. Emily Dievendorf (D-Lansing), State Rep. Alabas Farhat (D-Dearborn), State Sen. Jeff Irwin (D-Ann Arbor), and the TAKING BACK OUR POWER coalition
WHAT: A press conference to unveil legislation that would bar utility companies and their affiliates in Michigan from making political contributions or engaging in campaign activities.
WHERE: Central United Methodist Church Library, 215 N Capitol Ave, Lansing, MI 48933
WHEN: Thursday, Feb. 22, at 11:45 a.m.
WHO: Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D - MI), Congressman Ro Khanna (D - CA), State Rep. Dylan Wegela (D - Garden City), State Rep. Donovan McKinney (D-Detroit), impacted community members, and the TAKING BACK OUR POWER coalition
WHAT: A rally to launch the groundbreaking TAKING BACK OUR POWER campaign, which seeks to pass comprehensive legislation to improve democracy by banning monopoly corporations and powerful state contractors from using their political dollars to drown out voters’ voices.
WHERE: UAW Local 600, 10550 Dix Ave, Dearborn, MI 48120
WHEN: Thursday, Feb. 22, at 6 p.m.
Since our founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking and people power to the table. Clean Water Action has over 135,000 members across the state. Through direct advocacy and education we organize Michigan residents to protect the Great Lakes and our water resources. Learn more at www.cleanwater.org/mi