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BOSTON, MA: Clean Water Action has announced Climate Chief Melissa Hoffer as the keynote speaker at its 2024 Fall Celebration, taking place September 25th at 6pm at the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation in Boston, MA. This is the second consecutive year that the event will highlight a member of the Healey-Driscoll administration with last year’s address coming from Undersecretary of Environmental Justice & Equity, María Belén Power.

“Climate Chief Hoffer is working to ensure that Massachusetts addresses the climate crisis holistically - incorporating resilience planning, energy efficiency, clean energy development, and climate justice into all aspects of state government. We are so honored to have the nation’s first Climate Chief as our keynote speaker,” said Elizabeth Saunders, Clean Water Action State Co-Director.

“Clean Water Action and our allies in the environmental justice community are not shy about demanding climate action, and Climate Chief Hoffer is a key partner in achieving our vision of a healthier, more just climate future,” added Cynthia Mendes, Clean Water Action State Co-Director.

"I'm thrilled to be speaking at this year's Clean Water Action Fall Celebration," said Climate Chief Hoffer. "This organization is at the center of environmental advocacy, promoting the nation's clean energy transition, protecting our clean water supply, and supporting clean air quality especially for our most vulnerable communities. Here in Massachusetts, we are proud to be leaders of climate policy and pushing for cleaner air and water across the state."

In addition to Climate Chief Hoffer’s address, Clean Water Action’s Fall Celebration will feature environmental honorees including grassroots and elected leaders. For more information, please visit:


Since our founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking, and people power to the table.