LANSING - Today the introduction of the Polluter Pay Package series of bills was announced in the Michigan Legislature.
The following statement can be attributed to Sean McBrearty, Michigan Director, Clean Water Action:
“For years, Michigan residents have been demanding that our lawmakers hold polluters accountable. SB 605-611 represent a major step forward in ensuring that our government is protecting the health of Michigan residents and our shared environment instead of continuing to protect the corporations that break the rules and pollute our state with impunity.
“We have over 24,000 contaminated sites across Michigan and that number grows with each passing year. Corporations should be paying to clean up the messes they make instead of relying on taxpayers to foot the bill. We thank the sponsors of this legislation and call on all Michigan lawmakers to support the immediate passage of these bills.”
Since our founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking and people power to the table. Clean Water Action has over 135,000 members across the state. Through direct advocacy and education we organize Michigan residents to protect the Great Lakes and our water resources. Learn more at www.cleanwater.org/mi