press release
Clean Water Action respalda a Joe Biden para Presidente
Release Date
“Reparar el daño que Trump ha hecho no será fácil ni rápido. Se requerirá visión, claridad moral, disposición para escuchar y un líder que actuará en el mejor interés de todos nosotros. Joe Biden es ese líder”.
press release
Clean Water Action endorses Joe Biden for President of the United States
Release Date
“Repairing the damage Trump has done won’t be easy or quick. It will require vision, moral clarity, a willingness to listen, and a leader who will act in the best interest of all of us. Joe Biden is that leader.”
press release
Baltimore City DPW Promises Improvements to Sewage Backup Support Program
Release Date
During a public hearing, the Department of Public Works indicated they plan to lift restrictions for reimbursement and provide direct cleanup assistance to residents who experience sewage backups.
Yesterday, concerned residents and local advocates called on the City to improve support
press release
One-Year Anniversary of SB 200 - Water Advocates Urge State to Sustain Progress and Maintain Full Funding for Safe Drinking Water
Release Date
Amidst a growing pandemic, a coalition of clean water advocates is marking the one-year anniversary of the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund and calling on the state to maintain urgency on the program’s success.
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