Clean Water Action: The House makes historic investments in the future. The Senate must do the same
"The Senate must act now, pass the Build Back Better Act, and deliver on the priorities the public has demanded for years."
Clean Water Action: Reversing the Dirty Water Rule is a good first step, but we must also strengthen water protections
"The Administration must finalize a robust policy that ensures all communities have clean drinking water sources and water bodies that are safe for swimming and fishing."
50% Emission Cuts by 2030 is the New Policy; NJ Must Put into Practice
Clean Water Action organizers were on hand to celebrate Governor Murphy’s announcement that he is issuing an Executive Order to reduce New Jersey’s greenhouse gas emissions to 50% of their 2006 levels by the year 2030. The announcement took place with a backdrop of construction vehicles as workers continued to install the nation’s largest solar farm on reclaimed landfill.
Clean Water Action: Reform the Filibuster to Protect Our Democracy
“Reform the filibuster now. It’s the only way to move forward"
Clean Water Action: New Methane Rules are a Positive First Step
“Until we transition away from oil and gas completely, we need the strongest possible rules to limit the harm to our climate and communities from this polluting industry."