press release
Press Statement on Baltimore City DPW's Sewer Consent Decree Annual Public Meeting
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Well over $1 Billion of taxpayer money has been invested in underground pipe projects and improvements at the Back River and Patapsco wastewater treatment plants. Significant progress has been made. Yet rainfall and other conditions continue to overwhelm Baltimore’s sewer system and cause dangerous
press release
MASSPIRG, Clean Water Action join forces to reduce food waste
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Two of Massachusetts’ leading advocacy groups are launching a new campaign to reduce food waste. MASSPIRG and Clean Water Action will focus mainly on the environmental and public health benefits of right-sizing our food production and portions — and dealing with the rest sustainably.
press release
New Report Finds Opportunities to Improve Transparency and Accessibility in State Infrastructure Programs
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"The Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will provide billions of dollars for updating our nation's water infrastructure. Needed improvements in State Revolving Fund accessibility and transparency are an opportunity to improve water quality nationwide and to ensure that all communities have access to new water infrastructure investments."
press release
Clean Water Action Statement On Methane Regulations
Release Date
On December 2, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published the final rule to curb methane and other pollutants from the oil and gas sector. Clean Water Action made the following statement:
press release
Oil & Water Don't Mix Responds to Michigan Public Service Commission Decision on Line 5 Tunnel Permit
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A federal court ruled on June 16th that Enbridge's Line 5 pipeline is in trespass on the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa reservation and that it constitutes a public nuisance by posing an imminent threat of rupture that could devastate the Band’s drinking water, plants and wildlife, and the region’s economy. The court required a segment of the Line 5 pipeline to be shut down within three years. Enbridge's response of an appeal and proposal to re-route the pipeline does not protect the Band, their treaty-reserved territory, or the Great Lakes from the threat of Line 5.
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