Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund are working in Malden to help neighbors identify buildings and homes that still have lead service lines, learn how to protect their families from lead exposure, and access lead service line replacement programs.
January 11th! Free Info Session - Lead in Drinking Water: Beebe School, Malden
免费信息讲座 饮用水中含铅 周六, 早上10 – 中午12, 2025年1月11日 Beebe School小学, 食堂 Malden
Find out if your home or apartment has a lead service line:
- Call the Malden Engineering Dept: 781-397-7040.
- Ask them if they know what material your service line is made of.
- If they don’t know, ask them to come check the line. They will do this for free. They will only check the service line.
- Ask them if they will test your water for lead for free.
- Check out this Malden webpage to help the city map Lead Service Lines.
5 Tips to Protect Your Family from Lead in Drinking Water
- Before using tap water for drinking or cooking, run the cold water for 1-2 minutes.
- Use the cold water tap for drinking, cooking, and baby formula.
- Use a water filter. National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) filters are certified to remove lead if they are marked with NSF/ANSI Standard 53 or 58 on the package. Replace internal filters as directed.
- Feed your family a healthy diet rich in iron, calcium, and vitamin C. A full stomach slows the absorption of lead.
- Schedule a blood lead test for your child. Blood lead level tests are covered by insurance, and for children are required at 9-12 months, 2, 3, and 4 years old.
10 Tips to Reduce Your Exposure to Lead in Drinking Water - Fact Sheet (PDF)
Lead Service Lines - Fact Sheet (PDF)
I’m a renter. What are my rights?
- Updates to the Lead and Copper Rule mean that all lead service lines must be replaced in the next 10 years. If you are a renter, and your landlord is slow to replace the lead service line, remind them of this federal deadline.
- There are billions of dollars of federal funding for lead service line replacements available right now. We are working with municipalities to help them access these funds. Remind your landlord that these funds may not always be available, and replacing a lead service line is not only required, but also improves their property value and the health of their tenants.
- Tenants’ Rights Page: Being a renter doesn’t mean you have to live in unsafe conditions. This website ensures you know your rights.
How can I learn more about lead in water?
- MassDEP lead information: Learn about local regulations, find contact information for municipal water providers, and find out more information about free testing for lead in the drinking water of schools and childcare facilities.
- EPA lead in water information: Learn about the health impacts of lead and how to identify lead service lines.
- Lead Service Line Collaborative: A great starting point for community leaders and elected officials working to help replace lead service lines.
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