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Fighting New Warehouses in NJ: FAQ Fact Sheet

Eastern Environmental Law Center produced this FAQ in coordination with Clean Water Action to help community members understand some of the legal requirements for proposed warehouses in New Jersey. Building your understanding of the process will help you to identify opportunities to raise objections at the right time and place.

Fighting for a Better Freight and Goods Movement System in NJ: Fact Sheet

Warehouses have a significant negative impact on air quality, particularly in low-income and communities of color where goods movement is concentrated. Together we can ensure that the freight and goods movement in NJ is as sustainable and efficient as possible - without compromising the environment and the health of NJ communities and workers.

Michigan Currents | Summer 2023

In This Issue: Making Millionaires and Corporations Pay Their Fair Share, for Our Water | What will the Michigan Legislature do for our Water? | Fighting Climate Change and Holding DTE Energy Accountable | Clean Water Action as Allies in the Fight for Environmental Justice

New Jersey Needs a Packaging Reduction Bill: Fact Sheet

An excessive amount of plastic is used in packaging food and drink containers while leaching toxins into what we eat and drink. We need to put a stop to this. NJ Senate Bill S426 assigns responsibility to the producer to effectively reduce plastic waste used in packaging.