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Letter to Congress: 150+ Organizations in Support of Low Income Household Water Assistance Program Funding

On behalf of the more than 150 undersigned water associations, environmental, low-income, and other public interest advocates, and labor unions, we urge Congress to provide FY24 funding for the Department of Health and Human Services’ Low Income Household Water Assistance Program. Without action to continue this critical program, hundreds of thousands of low-income households could lose access to essential water service.

Clean Water Currents | Fall 2023

In This Issue: Congress Should Protect People, Not Polluters! | Devastating Sackett v. EPA Supreme Court Decision Puts All Water At Risk | Lead In Drinking Water - Putting Lead Service Lines Behind Us | PFAS Chemicals - Taking the Burden Off Communities and Our Health | EPA Proposes to Expand Regulation of Toxic Coal Ash | State and Regional News