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What my mattress taught me about toxic chemicals

I did not realize the health risks of products until I bought a mattress that arrived on Valentine’s Day in 2007. I have had underlying neurological health conditions caused by growing up near a Superfund site as a child. But nothing has impacted my health like the chemicals I was exposed to from

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Clean Water Accomplishments in Maryland

Maryland’s legislative session ended early for the first time since the Civil War this year, because of COVID-19. This meant that the only piece of legislation we were working on that passed was the ban on chlorpyrifos. Governor Hogan vetoed the chlorpyrifos ban, opting for regulations instead

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Chime in on Energy Efficiency Justice

You may have called upon the services of Mass Save. Free of charge, they will send someone out to your house and evaluate the efficiency of your home or business, replace your light bulbs with high efficiency LEDs and give recommendations on how to increase the efficiency of your home.

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Taking Trump's EPA to Court -- Again

On November 24th, Clean Water Action joined a new lawsuit challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) latest rollback of vital safeguards to protect communities from coal ash. Coal ash is the toxic waste left over from burning coal for electricity. More than 100 million tons is generated

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