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2021 Maryland Legislative Agenda

We are continuing to work on legislation to decrease Maryland's reliance on trash incinerators and landfills, improve septic systems, promote environmental justice, and protect our bees. With our allies with the Smart on Pesticide Campaign, we are also supporting a package of bills to improve the

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Food Waste Diversion in Action

Organic recycling is simply another type of recycling - transforming the waste so it can be reused as a soil amendment and does not clutter our landfills.

How does waste management at a business work?

Most businesses contract with a waste management company to deal with their waste, unlike

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Organizing for Clean Water in 2020 - and beyond

How did you first meet Clean Water Action? For most of our members, it was on your doorstep. Clean Water Action has organized for decades not by waiting for people to come to us, but by going into neighborhoods across the country with a clipboard in hand. We found people like you - who care about

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