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My Summer Canvass Experience at Clean Water Action

My name is Erin Dracup and I’ve spent the summer as a field canvasser for Clean Water Action working on the campaigns to ban toxic PFAS in Rhode Island and Massachusetts.

I grew up in Ithaca, NY and currently live in Boston where I attend Boston University and study Health Sciences with the intent

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Wins for Clean Water

The Connecticut legislative session is over and we’re thrilled that several bills that will protect our waters and our health passed this session!

Our top priority bill— to restrict toxic PFAS chemicals in food packaging and firefighting foam passed unanimously. Per and polyfluoroalkyl substances

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Living with PFAS in the Water

97% of Americans already have traces of PFAS in their blood, making it clear that this is an issue that everyone has a stake in. Drinking clean water is a basic human right. Whether it is you, or someone you love that is in the 97%, we must all take action today.

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