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Testimony on the Baltimore City Budget

On June 8, 2021, the Baltimore City Council voted to adopt the City's Fiscal Year 2022 budget without introducing any amendments. Our budgets reflect our values, and we're paying close attention to how the city's spending is prioritizing - or not - sewage infrastructure, especially protecting

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Testimony Opposing "Chemical Recycling" A5803

Statement by Maura Toomey, Zero Waste Organizer for Clean Water Action before the Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee Opposing A5803

June 14, 2021

Thank you for the opportunity to testify on this bill. Clean Water Action strongly opposes A5803, which would exempt plastic material

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ReThink Disposable Blog Series Part III: Next Steps for Statewide Zero Waste Policies

New Jersey’s ban on single-use carryout bags and polystyrene foam containers will go into effect one year from now, or May 2022! This victory was the result of the groundswell of concern over the damage being caused to our environment by waste and single-use plastics. This is only the beginning of the paradigm shift toward zero waste happening in New Jersey, across the U.S., and around the world. In the next part of our ReThink Disposable Blog Series, we will take a look at state policies in the works that will move us ever closer toward a zero waste future.

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MAGLEV in Maryland: why we support the No Build option

For the past several months, the Federal Railway Administration and Maryland's Department of Transportation were accepting comments from the public on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Baltimore-DC MAGLEV project. During that time, 193 of our members submitted comments in favor

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Back in Your Neighborhood!

My name is Emily Woodcock, and on Sunday, 4/11, I had my 10 year anniversary as the Field Canvass Director in Clean Water’s Ann Arbor, MI office. I’ve been with Clean Water since Sept. of 2004, and I’ve been field organizing since July of 2002.

Like most people, by early March of last year, I was

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Testimony on Baltimore City Taxpayer's Night

On Wednesday, April 21, the Baltimore City Board of Estimates held Taxpayer's Night, an annual opportunity for Baltimore City residents to comment on the proposed next year's budget. Several organizations, including Organizing Black and Communities United, recruited dozens of people to speak

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