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Diving into the Legislature

You never know what you might run into when activists descend on the statehouse for the Environment Council of Rhode Island’s (ECRI) annual Lobby Day.

Last Wednesday, I was greeted in the rotunda by a group of our allies in the Energize Rhode Island coalition wearing snorkels to demonstrate the kind

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Career Fairs & Job Perks

Hi, I'm Hallie Leonard, the office manager for Clean Water Action's Providence office!

Much of my work is administrative, making sure our office runs nice and smooth all year long. However, as Spring time rolled around, I began a career fair marathon to recruit our next great canvassers. I learned

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My First Lobbying Experience: A Report from D.C.

I recently had the opportunity to travel to Washington, D.C. to talk to Minnesota legislators about Great Lakes protection. Every year, the Healing Our Waters (HOW) Coalition organizes a Great Lakes Day at the Capitol. This annual event includes environmental groups from the Great Lakes region.


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