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Speaking out on sewage

Baltimore's sewage system is in trouble. Sanitary sewage outfalls allow untreated sewage to spill into our streams during rainstorms. Overflowing pipes spill water into our streets, and even our basements. And major capital improvements are needed at our wastewater treatment facilities and

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A Champion for Clean Water: Peter Lockwood

If you want to make change, you have to get involved. It's an ethos we live by at Clean Water Action and it was embodied by one of our founding board members, Peter Lockwood.

Peter was a tax lawyer and a champion for clean water. He was a law clerk for Justice Thurgood Marshall during his first term on the Supreme Court. He traveled to the south during Freedom Summer and was part of the civil rights movement throughout the 60s. He helped found Clean Water Action in 1972 and was a guiding light for the organization for more than 40 years. He will be missed, sorely.

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Since I started my new role as Clean Water Action's ReThink Disposable Coordinator, I’ve been talking with many business owners and people in the community about the very exciting topic of waste, in particular, single-use disposables like plastic straws, cutlery and bags and foam take out

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New Year, New Victories

We're only 12 days into the New Year, and we've celebrated some major victories for our health and environment. It's all because Clean Water Action members like you took the time to take action! Whether you called, emailed, or wrote to your legislators, you helped us accomplish the following:

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