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How we win.

Protecting clean water has always kept us busy. We’re rooted in our groundbreaking campaign to pass the Clean Water Act in 1972, and from the moment the Act was signed into law there have been corporate polluters and anti-government ideologues attempting to weaken or subvert the law.

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A good day for women, a good day for the environment

As a woman, environmentalist, and intern at Clean Water Action, waking up in Massachusetts on November 7 th felt pretty good. All 17 candidates that Clean Water endorsed in Massachusetts won their races, meaning that strong advocates for the environment will be taking office all around the state.


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Clean Water Candidates Won Big in Texas

Thanks to clean water voters who came out in force for last week's elections, most of the pro-environment candidates endorsed by Clean Water Action here in Texas prevailed, and our endorsed candidates who lost, did so by very narrow margins.

At the top of our ticket, Beto O'Rourke helped energize

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