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No, Not Again: Major retailers still have a long way to go for safe stores

Mind the Store is a national campaign that works to get major retailers to get toxic chemicals off of their store shelves. Major retailers across the United States sell thousands of products containing toxic chemicals. Every year, Mind the Store releases a report card grading some of these retailers towards their progress on getting toxic chemicals off of store shelves. The companies are scored in different areas such as accountability, policy and disclosure.

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Clean Water Voters Made the Difference in Minnesota

Voters went to the polls in record numbers in the 2018 mid-term elections. According to a preliminary estimate from the Secretary of State's office, nearly 2.6 million Minnesotans voted in-person on Tuesday or by absentee ballot, giving the state its highest voter turnout for a non-presidential election since 2002. People were eager to make their voices heard – and they did.

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Stormwater Practices Need Inspection and Maintenance

In November, Jennifer and I had the opportunity to take a storm water tour with Richard Klein, of Community and Environmental Defense Services. In off and on rain, we looked at the health of two different sections of streams and looked at two different storm water facilities.

We first went to a

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Maryland Election Results

Congratulations to all of the newly elected legislators in local and state office and those who won reelection. Thank you to so many talented, passionate individuals who ran campaigns elevating environmental issues in their districts.

Many of the races where Clean Water Action's Vote Environment

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A Good Day, But Work Ahead

Tuesday was a good day for clean water!

Thanks to clean water members and clean water voters we helped elect a pro-environment majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. We also elected governors and state legislators across the country who will focus on protecting clean water and healthy

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We celebrated. Then we slept in. Now we are back to work!

Last night, New Jersey led the clean water wave that helped ensure a pro-environment majority will set the agenda in the US House of Representatives. Garden State voters sent people to Washington who will defend clean water and take the urgent action we need to address the climate crisis. We sent a

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