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Isn't Water A Natural Resource?

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director Clean Water Action signed a letter to the leadership of the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee opposing yet another anti-regulatory bill expected to be considered by the Committee today. We’ve signed a lot of these letters since 2010, but this one is
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Federal Chemical Reform - Finally?

By Cindy Luppi, New England Regional Director Exciting news! For the first time in a generation, we might have finally gained meaningful momentum in the fight to repair our outdated federal laws about chemical safety. Today the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee is holding a marathon
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Bringing Green Justice Home to Our Communities

In Massachusetts, Clean Water Action's canvass is rolling out a new energy program we helped create. Using targeted outreach and improved financial incentives, this program will expand home weatherization to families who have previously faced barriers to making their homes more efficient. Building a
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Our Water is not Their Sewer!

By Bob Wendelgass, President & CEO I’ve worked in advocacy and politics for a long time and have fought to protect our health and environment from dirty, polluting industries and I thought I had seen it all. But even I was blown away when I saw the extent of the toxic pollution that power plants
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No Excuse for Water Pollution

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director I have worked on water issues for a long time, so I don’t expect surprises about pollution sources. But that’s what I got when we began to see the facts on water pollution from our nation’s power plants, especially coal plants. It turns out that power
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Can We #ProtectCleanWater?

By Angelique Giraud, Florida Energy Community Organizer Advocates from all over the nation gathered together July 10th in Washington, DC to speak out in support of clean water. For the first time in over 30 years, we have the chance to make power plants, particularly coal-fired plants, clean up
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