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Finally Moving Foward on Coal Ash?

By Michael Kelly, Communications Director A 2011 Coal Ash Spill on Lake Michigan

Coal ash is nasty. It’s toxic. It contains mercury and arsenic and lead (just to name a few). It’s polluting our water and has destroyed communities. We produce a lot of it – 140 million tons a year. Yet, there are no
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The Power Grab That Isn't

By Michael Kelly, Communications Director EPA - protecting our water

The following statements are dead wrong

1. “This could be the EPA’s most dramatic power grab ever…” – Steve Doocy, Fox News 2. “The EPA is redefining the meaning of the word water so as to give it, the EPA the ability to regulate

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It's time - End the Shutdown and Pay our Debts

By Michael Kelly, Communications Director Fifteen days and counting. Unless Republicans in the House are determined to break the record for longest shutdown in history (21 days in 1994) then it's time to get something done. Because, beyond the impacts of having the "cops" off the the beat - the
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