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Put Drinking Water First - The Safe Drinking Water Act

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director Today is the 39 th anniversary of passage of the Safe Drinking Water Act. For me, it’s the beginning of a year-long celebration of this landmark public health law and a time to think about progress we’ve made and the continuing challenges to the tap water
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360,000 -- Why should anyone care?

by Jonathan A. Scott, Clean Water Action Communications Team 360,000 acres of wetlands. Those wetlands used to protect communities from flooding. They were nurseries, breeding grounds and habitat for countless fish, birds and other animals. They were there to filter pollution and absorb the rainfall
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Fighting for Clean Energy in the Commonwealth

By Molly Sullivan, Massachusetts Field Canvasser On November 12th, I had the opportunity to attend a hearing on H2935 (in Massachusetts), an act relative to a Clean Energy Commonwealth. Most days I work in the field as a canvasser, knocking on doors to motivate and educate people about environmental
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Think Before You Shop: True Confessions, Deal-seeking and more…

by Jonathan A. Scott, Director of Corporate Relations (updated and re-shared for #CyberMonday 2014) Our partners at just launched to raise even more money for Clean Water Action and introduce more people to our online shopping app. Thousands of our supporters have
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An Awesome Crew and a Reason to Be Thankful!

By Becky Smith, Massachusetts Campaigns Director Here I am with Congressman McGovern. What an honor!

Last week I attended the annual benefit for MA Alliance, a group that Clean Water Action is a member of which works to elect progressives in Massachusetts. It was a freezing and windy night to hike
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