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It's About Time

By Bob Wendelgass, President and CEO (Follow Bob on Twitter - @BWendelgass) #ProtectCleanWater today! Click here to submit a comment.

Thanks to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) for finally announcing critical steps to fix a mess the Bush Administration
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Bye Bye Plastics

San Francisco Supervisor Chiu holds up a plastic water bottled filled with the amount of oil it takes to make just one bottle!

By Samantha Meyer, Zero Waste Program Manager - Follow the campaign on Twitter: @Rdisposable It’s already been a big month for cracking down on plastic pollution in
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Mind the Store, Protect the Customer

By May Woo, Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow This originally appeared here With great market power comes great responsibility. Retailers hold the power to choose which products are available to consumers, and what ingredients go into store brand items. With a lack of federal regulation over toxic
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Keystone XL - Just Say No

By Aaron Haskins, Michigan Energy Program Intern For years, we have been heard a lot about the Keystone Pipeline. Oil companies like TransCanada continually reassure us that the pipeline will have minimal impact on the environment while creating thousands of jobs for both Americans and Canadians
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