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Where will you be on September 21st?

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - Follow Lynn on Twitter Climate change is impacting us. And it’s not good. Pollution from power plants and other sources is affecting our food…our air…our water. It’s super-sizing things like hurricanes and droughts. If we don’t take action, it’s only
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A New Water Bond for California

By Jennifer Clary, California Program Manager Earlier this week, the Governor and Legislature reached near unanimous agreement on a $7.54 billion water bond for the November 2014 ballot that responds to the state’s deepening drought conditions. This bond (now Proposition 1) replaces an extremely
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Organizing for Clean Water

By Paula Weiner, Pittsburgh Phone Organizer Legacy. That's what first attracted me me to apply for a job with Clean Water Action. While aiding others in the choice between a blue scarf and a purple one is important in its own way, I am finding that the ability to leave a lasting difference on our
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Still Fracking with Diesel After All These Years

By John Noël, National Oil and Gas Program Coordinator - follow John on Twitter Today our allies at the Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) released a groundbreaking report on the oil and gas industry’s use of diesel fuels in fracture fluids. As we’ve written before, the Energy Policy Act of 2005
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Abbott's Saber Rattling Prattle Against Protecting Our Water

Sadly, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott's August 11th letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) threatening to sue if it does not retreat from its plan to strengthen protections for the sources of our drinking water is more about politics and ideology than public health. For Abbott, it does not matter that EPA simply wants to return protections back to where they were during the Clinton and Reagan administrations.

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