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The Shale Gas Dream: Is it Almost Time to Wake Up?

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By John Noël, National Oil and Gas Program Coordinator - Follow John on Twitter (@NoelJohnny) When it comes to the future of energy in this country, you’ve probably heard the terms “shale-revolution,” “bridge fuel,” or “natural gas is our clean energy future.” There are dozens of these
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Happy Birthday EPA

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - follow Lynn on Twitter (@LTCWA) [ED. Note - Like the best birthday greetings, this is a day late] Happy Birthday EPA! I learned on one of my favorite blogs ( This Day in Water History) that on this day [Ed. Note - yesterday, December 2nd] in 1970, the
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What a Week - Clean Water Action in Motion

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - Follow Lynn on Twitter (@LTCWA) It’s been quite a week for our Clean Water, especially for our National Program Team. Here are some of the highlights: Congressional Testimony on Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water: I testified before the U.S. House Energy and
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The Baltimore Bag Bill.

By Will Fadely, Baltimore Program Organizer - Follow Will on Twitter - @TrillChillWill Each week, Clean Water meets with residents and community associations and we continue to hear one overwhelming environmental concern – an abundance of trash in our neighborhoods. Whether we’re in Hampden
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Shake It Off & Keep Your Eye on the Ball: Americans Expect Clean Water

Americans Expect Their Elected Officials to Protect Clean Water "The new Congress could be one of the most hostile to clean water and other environmental concerns, based on the new leadership’s extreme anti-environment records and positions. But that’s not what the American people want, and it’s not
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