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The Bottomless Drought - There is More We Can Do

By Jennifer Clary, California Water Program Manager (Follow Our California Team on Twitter - @CleanH2OCA) Governor Brown’s announcement Wednesday that we’re in a severe drought was far from a surprise. No spring rains are coming to rescue us this year as we embark on the 4 th year of drought – the
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Talking Mercury at the State House

By Dave Gerraughty, Rhode Island Program Organizer My adrenalin was on overdrive and my nerves were jangling a bit as I was called to testify before the Rhode Island House Environment Committee on our bill to create a Producer Responsibility Program for light bulbs containing mercury. I had spent
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Dirty Water Politics in the Senate

By Michael Kelly, Communications Director - Follow Michael on Twitter (@MichaelEdKelly) Two things: The drinking water for 1 in 3 of us is at risk of pollution and destruction. EPA wants to fix that and has proposed a strong, commonsense rule to protect clean water. Two more things: Polluters hate
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