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Americans Agree: #CleanWaterRules

By Jennifer Peters - National Water Programs Director - Follow Jennifer on Twitter (@EarthAvenger) Nothing is more fundamental than clean water. Though many of us take it for granted until it dries up or becomes too polluted to use. Not only do we all depend on water for drinking, cooking, and
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Where have you been, Ms. Fiorina?

By Jennifer Clary, California Waters Program Manager In an April 7 blog post for Time Magazine, Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard and former candidate for California governor, made the wildly inaccurate claim that “overzealous liberal environmentalists” are responsible for California’s
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A Pleasant Surprise in the Field

When my fellow canvassers hear that I’ve been knocking on doors for Clean Water Action for 4 years, they often say, “so nothing catches you by surprise.” That couldn’t be further from the truth. Last night, we were working one of those chilly, drizzly shifts where the materials on your clipboard are
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Top Weed Killer Linked to Cancer

By Mara Silgailis, PhD, Clean Water Action Board Member and Cedar Grove Environmental Commission Chair Last week, glyphosate, the pesticide found in the popular herbicide product Roundup, was declared to be " probably carcinogenic to humans" by an international committee of cancer experts known as
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