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Burning Tires (Hazardous is the New Clean)

This post originally appeared on Eclectablog You know that warm, cozy feeling you get from seeing black toxic plumes of smoke billowing up from a pile of burning hazardous rubbish and industrial waste? (No, I didn’t think so.) Well, earlier this month Republican State Representative Aric Nesbitt

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Protecting Our Families from Chemicals

By Cindy Luppi, New England Regional Director I feel really fortunate to live in the kind of community where your neighbors are a cornerstone of your life -- we get together for coffee on Saturday mornings in our pj's, we take care of each other's pets when someone goes away to travel, and we share
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Hold the phones! Literally

By Cindy Luppi, New England Regional Director Join Lula Pearl and make the call today!

Call your Senators Today: To call your Member of Congress: US Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121 You may not have noticed yet but there's an epic battle about to break wide open and onto the floors of Congress
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