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Being the Change at Clean Water Action

By Zachary Turkheimer, Clean Water Action Maryland Intern - Follow Our MD Team on Twitter (@CleanWater_MD) “Be the change you want to see”, that’s the motto that I have tried to live my life by. I believe this motto is applicable with the goals of Clean Water Action because they set the precedent of
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Pursuing a Passion for Clean Water

By Kaitlyn Lindsey, Clean Water Action Maryland Intern - Follow our Maryland Team on Twitter (@CleanWater_MD) Hey Clean Water Community! My name is Kaitlyn Lindsey. I am going into my fifth and final year at Towson University where I have been studying Family Science. I have a passion for helping
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A Clean Water History Lesson

By Jon Scott , Director of Corporate Relations - Follow Jon on Twitter (@JScottNH) Richard M. Nixon (R) 1969-1974 (1972 Clean Water Act veto over-ridden by Congress, which passed the law and overrode the veto with strong bipartisan support. After veto attempt and unsuccessful attempt to embargo
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