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One Step Forward, One Step Back

Advocating for environmental issues in the Rhode Island General Assembly is a complicated process that requires persistence, patience and creative approaches. Economic growth and job creation - not the environment - are often the first concerns on the minds of lawmakers.

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Infographic on Massachusetts Gas Leaks

This just in from the infographic corner––our Clean Energy Intern, Victoria, has put together an awesome visual to share the impact of gas leaks on Massachusetts. Tori recently blogged about our campaign to fix gas leaks, a big team effort we're proud to join Mothers Out Front, Community Labor

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Opposition to Toxic Polystyrene Gaining Traction

Many of us have been in the awkward situation of attending a family picnic or community event where we line up for food and discover the only choice for dishware is polystyrene (ex. Styrofoam and similar products). This is the moment where I tend to sigh and assess my options. I can either skip

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Justice for Port Communities! Two Victories to Celebrate.

Let's continue to keep the pressure on and remember the fight for environmental justice is a civil rights issue. As we celebrate Independence Day and reflect on our rights and freedoms, we can't forget the overburdened port communities who are disproportionately polluted upon because of the zip code they live in.
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It's not all a House of Cards

Last week, I traveled from our Montclair office to the Statehouse in Trenton for a Clean Water Lobby Day. On the way there, the scene that played in my mind mirrored one from House of Cards. I thought of Kevin Spacey rolling his eyes before he opened the door to the hallway and the lobbyists dying

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MA Senate Releases Comprehensive Energy Bill

Massachusetts, it's time to take action on climate change!

The Massachusetts Senate has released its comprehensive energy legislation, which will be debated on Thursday, 6/30. It includes two of Clean Water Action's priorities, commitments for 2000 megawatts of offshore wind and doubling the rate

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