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Wellhead Protection for Our Drinking Water

Laura Sachs is a Program Intern with our Minnesota Office

Everyone has a right to safe and affordable drinking water. Clean water is one of Minnesota’s most precious resources, and it’s time that we act like it.

Nearly 75% of Minnesotans gets their drinking water from groundwater. With almost 10

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Clean Water Voters Made the Difference in Minnesota

Voters went to the polls in record numbers in the 2018 mid-term elections. According to a preliminary estimate from the Secretary of State's office, nearly 2.6 million Minnesotans voted in-person on Tuesday or by absentee ballot, giving the state its highest voter turnout for a non-presidential election since 2002. People were eager to make their voices heard – and they did.

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Breaking down the Forever Chemicals –What are PFAS?

We are beginning to understand the wide range of possible health effects from these chemicals, which include several types of cancer, elevated cholesterol, and changes to liver function. Only a few types of PFAS have been thoroughly studied, and the class contains potentially thousands of different iterations.
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