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Minnesota Mirrors the Nation

Emotions were high as numbers trickled in for president, U.S. House, Minnesota State Senate and Minnesota House of Representatives. Late into the evening and early Wednesday morning we watched as Donald Trump became the next President of the United States.

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Opposition to Toxic Polystyrene Gaining Traction

Many of us have been in the awkward situation of attending a family picnic or community event where we line up for food and discover the only choice for dishware is polystyrene (ex. Styrofoam and similar products). This is the moment where I tend to sigh and assess my options. I can either skip

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Minnesota's 2016 Legislative Session in Review

As the brief 2016 legislative session ended, it was clear that this session would end like the 2015 legislative session did, riddled with missed opportunities to protect Minnesota’s environment and public health. The legislature managed to pass a $182 million supplemental budget bill that included

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Cleaning Up Corporate Ag, Cleaning Up Our Water

There’s nothing better on a spring or summer day in Minnesota than enjoying a relaxing day in the sun, swimming or fishing on your favorite lake or river. Unfortunately, in many parts of the state this isn’t possible or safe because the water isn’t clean enough. Excess chemicals, fertilizers, and

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Hook the Big One, Not a Wad of Eurasian Milfoil

The fishing opener is this weekend and thousands of anglers will be getting out on Minnesota’s lakes and rivers looking to hook the big one! Unfortunately, many lakes and rivers are either infested with or threatened by invasive species. The threat of invasive species is real and smacking us across

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My First Lobbying Experience: A Report from D.C.

I recently had the opportunity to travel to Washington, D.C. to talk to Minnesota legislators about Great Lakes protection. Every year, the Healing Our Waters (HOW) Coalition organizes a Great Lakes Day at the Capitol. This annual event includes environmental groups from the Great Lakes region.


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