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Maryland's New Heat Stress Standard

For years, Clean Water Action has been working in Maryland to support the safety of farm workers working in high-heat conditions – particularly pesticide applicators who require safety gear to reduce their exposure to toxic chemicals. As climate change continues to bring more extreme weather, working for climate resiliency means that protecting workers from heat-related risks is more important than ever.
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Making Frederick's compost pilot program permanent!

For the past two years, the City of Frederick has offered free food scrap pickup to City households through Key City Compost, to be composted at Key City's compost facility near Thurmont. Now, the pilot program is coming to an end, and the City of Frederick faces the decision of whether to make it permanent, what the permanent parameters should be, and how it should be paid for.
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Why is Baltimore City burning our yard waste?

For decades, Baltimore City code has banned the disposal of yard waste and recyclable materials at the City's landfill. CB23-0466 will extend that to all landfills and incinerators, requiring private waste haulers and the City government to divert yard waste for composting instead of incineration. Read our testimony signed by 23 organizations and technical comments for a more in-depth analysis of the bill:
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