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Tips for a Successful Plastic Free July!

Plastic Free July kicked off Sunday. For the entire month, millions of people around the world will forgo plastic. Clean Water Action's ReThink Disposable program, which prevents waste before it starts by working with local businesses to minimize single use disposable packaging, is very excited to participate! You can find out more about the challenge, sign up for it, and check out a toolbox and many helpful resources at the Plastic Free July website.
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Every Voice Counts

The ReThink Disposable team has been hard at work encouraging businesses to reduce their use of plastic straws. One of our greatest lessons learned these past few months is that every voice counts. This Spring, not only did we speak with business owners, we partnered up with local fifth grade

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Clean Water Action Rhode Island - The Place to Be

I’ve spent my entire life living in Rhode Island. I’ve grown up here, gone to school here, spent most of my time here, and ultimately been influenced by this place. Remaining in the state or leaving indefinitely both seem like equally plausible scenarios, considering my age and the line of thought

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